In family cancerous ache patient's nursing


In the cancer patient's subjective symptom, the ache formation rate is highest. The patient's condition patient has 40% to be accompanied by the ache at least. The terminal cancer patient 80% have at least moderate to the specific weight ache. According to the statistical data indicated: Because the world year has 2,500,000 people cancer ache not to be able to obtain the prompt treatment to die. In the world has 3,500,000 people every day, in cancer ache suffers gets by difficultly. The ache not only does not favor the ache the treatment. Also increased the pain to the patient. Reduced patient's survival quality obviously. First, in idea renewal The medical personnel, the patient, the public, the family member to ache understanding, manner, expectation as well as to ache treatment, nursing have had the huge change in the past's more than 30 years. Now, cancer patient's ache question obtained the entire community public figures to take seriously. Takes each kind of remedial measure decisively to cancer ache patient, high method relieves patient's pain, improved patient's survival quality, the extension life new idea has substituted for in cancer ache treatment traditional ideas gradually. But, are many expert to believe at present, the hindrance stops pain effectively the subject matter is not only nurse lacks the understanding to the anaesthetic pharmacological action, moreover, knows the insufficiency to person's life quality and the nursing job category itself. Doctor and nurse worried generally the patient uses the anaesthetic to be able to reappear the spiritual dependence, and the family member also harbors the dread including the patient himself to the anaesthetic. Presents “four does not hope the syndrome”, namely doctor is not willing the sufficiency the pain-killer, the pharmacy not to be willing to send the sufficiency the medicine, nurse/the family member is not willing to give the sufficiency the medicine, the patient is not willing to accept the sufficiency the pain-killer. Therefore not only needs the medical personnel regarding cancer ache's treatment to know that on the renewal, needs the patient and family member's coordination, particularly patient family member's cooperation. Second, family member's function Undeniably, cancer patient many are stays in hospital the treatment in the hospital, but, also had quite a partial cancer patient to pass after all in the home. Therefore, in cancer ache's treatment, the family member is also undertaking the very important responsibility. And includes: 1st, estimates reliably correctly patient's ache, assists the medical personnel to work out the reasonable therapeutic schedule. The patient ache estimates its content including the ache degree, the spot, the nature, the outbreak situation and the complication and so on. Family member when estimate patient's ache, must pay attention to the psychology, the society and the economy besides the bodily factor and so on various factors influence. 2nd, accurate, gives the phial bottle observation pain-relieving medicine promptly the effect and the side effect. 3rd, comforts for the patient, explains and encourages, to enable it to get rid from the spirit to the ache the fear, increases to the life the hope. 4th, the education and the explanation change for the patient to the medicine side effect and the tolerant wrong understanding, encourages the patient to enjoy person's dignity and person's authority. Third, family member's duty In the cancerous ache treatment's process, the role which its family member plays is unwise to underestimate, they need to complete the massive nursing work. Therefore, they must understand and grasp nursing the scope. 1st, understanding cancerous ache treatment basic principle: (1) grasps some effective, the main control ache medicine dosage and the applicable scope truly. (2) the pain-killer heart possibly takes orally, next, is the rectum medication, finally only then chooses the injection. The medicine use should follow from small to big, from few to many principles, and observes the curative effect and the side effect. (3) must the time fixed time apply drugs according to medicine Guan Shuai, must before recently the drug efficacy vanished 1h to apply drugs, exempts increases the pain to the patient, increases the medicine dosage. 2nd, to the patient explained that accepts the treatment the effect, helps the patient to understand the ache produces the reason, takes why the medicine and the taking medicine time does tell the patient to take the medicine as well as the medicine on time has the side effect which and the prevention the possibility produces. 3rd, helps the patient to apply drugs correctly, according to patient's situation, chooses the appropriate medicine and the medication method. When medication, should consider the drug efficacy the duration and patient's habits and customs, avoid as far as possible when the patient rest applies drugs. 4th, the appraisal method of treatment to reduces the ache the effect, reported promptly to doctor, proposed the reasonable suggestion, causes to adjust the therapeutic schedule promptly. 5th, side effect prevention. If the aspirin can stimulate the stomach, the destruction gastric mucosa barrier causes the hemorrhage, and causes the zymoplasm original reduction to cause the whole body hemorrhage tendency and so on. 6th, in the full attention cancerous ache nursing process's integrity stops pain not only includes gives the pharmacological treatment, moreover, must give the patient to create a comfortable environment, helps the patient to obtain a comfortable body posture and so on. Follows frightened which and the anxiety cancer ache comes, the family member needs the related technology, the psychology knowledge helps the patient to overcome these barriers. In brief, the family member facing cancer ache's patient, do not increase the pain to them, or lets them struggle in the pain, but must the corrective method, reduce patient's pain unceasingly. At the same time, but must to doctor, nurse seek for advice unceasingly, seeks for advice to the books, for the patient relieve pain, coordinates doctor, nurse to complete cancer patient's treatment and the nursing survival percentage as far as possible.

