What cancer pain?

The cancer pain is the mid and late stage cancer patient universal existence question. At present according to the World Health Organization statistics, the cancer patient who the world occurs every year approximately has more than 700 ten thousand, 30%~50% are accompanied by the degree different ache. Our country recent investigation indicated that in the General hospital and in Specialized hospital's various issue of cancer patient, is accompanied by the varying degree ache to account for 51.1%. The ache is the cancer patient is most painful, endures most with difficulty one of symptoms, regardless of therefore doctor or the patients deal with it to have the clear understanding. Causes the cancer patient ache reason to be possible to divide into:①Ache which causes by cancer itself, if the tumor creates in partial either the shift spot infringement or the oppression nerve fiber ache, this is the most common reason.②Ache which causes by the treatment, after like surgery, scar constant pain, after chemotherapy stomatitis and so on.③Loses the ache which by the viability causes, like constipation, bedsore.④Ache which has nothing to do with cancer, like osteoarthritis, fascutis ache and so on. Because the ache is one kind of subjective sensation, thus the subjective factor (for example sensitivity, attention, mood, physical condition and so on) is affected in a big way. If the similar ache stimulation, is high in the sensitivity, the attention centralism, the fall in the blues and the bodily ordinary circumstances bad person causes the ache feeling is quite intense. You have possibly had such experience, when the centralism energy does an intense work either the activity (for example some kind of competition), the hand or the body are cut down the hemorrhage, but a feeling does not have, but others saw, tells you, only will then realize was injured. The cancerous ache's patient regular session related to doctor that the ache is evening heavier than the daytime. This is because the daytime will be engaged in each kind of activity, in addition the optical fiber, the sound stimulation, these can disperse the patient to the ache attention, but stopped the activity to the evening not having the light and the sound stimulation, the attention will also concentrate the ache spot, the ache will aggravate. Therefore has the cancerous ache patient, should understand fully these influencing factor, sets up defeats the indisposition the confidence, treats it by the strong will and the brave manner, and carries on some distractive the activity, like looked that the television, listens to the radio, to look the books and periodicals or recalled some meaningful matters, to a great extent will reduce the indisposition suffering.

